Insider group – a pressure group that enjoys regular, privileged and usually institutionalized access to government. It is a group that is consulted on a regular basis by government. It operates ‘inside’ the decision-making process. Examples: CBI, NRU, BMA (4)
Lobbyist - a person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest (1)
Outsider group – a pressure group that is either not consulted by government or consulted only irregularly and not usually at a senior level. It tries to exert influence indirectly via mass media or through public opinion campaigns. Examples: ALF, Fathers4Justice (9)
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards - deals with the application of the Code of Conduct and related Rules that apply to Members of Parliament (3)
Pluralism – a theory of the distribution of political power that holds that power is widely and evenly dispersed in society, rather than concentrated in the hands of an elite or ruling class. The term pluralism is sometimes used more generally to refer to diversity or multiplicity (2)
Populist movement - term used to describe a variety of reform initiatives associated with popular sentiment.(8)
Promotional group – a pressure group that exists to advance particular values, ideals and principles. It is based on shared attitudes or values, rather than common interests of its members. Examples: FotE, Amnesty International, Shelter, RSPB (5)
Sectional/interest groups – groups that represent a particular section of society: workers, employers, consumers, etc. They are groups that exist to advance or protect the interests of its members (6)
Sleaze - dishonest, disreputable, or immoral behaviour, especially of public officials or employees (7)